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The Games of Monkey Island

José Alicea
José Alicea, El café (1962)

2 responses to “The Games of Monkey Island”

  1. Hola, Beni. I have truly enjoyed your writing over the past weeks. Unfortunately, I was not in a communicative state of mind since I had suffered a very bad fall and have been recovering ever since. Your stories and the power of you communication creative a world that is filled with tension, innocence, foreboding and historical conflict.
    Please keep writing. You have the “duende”.
    Un fuerte abrazo para ti y Kelley.

    • Dear Francis, I’m sorry you’ve felt so poorly since your bad fall. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better. Thanks for your kind words and for your generous support of my stories. I keep telling myself that they are attempts to return a measure of meaning to my past and to leave a trace of what is lost, to hear they they also speak to you is a boon, a gift, really, that I’m very greatful for. Un fuerte abrazo. Beni

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